Saturday, June 6, 2009

I feel no love

Jess and some of her class mates. I don't know the girls in the back, but the others go to church with us. They are: Ethan, McKenna, Jess, and Megan. Carol thinks that Ethan looks so cute in the pink shirt, and wants to put one on Emmett. I am dead set against it. Any body else want to weigh in on that one?

Jess and her Teacher Mrs. Wallace. (Cora had her last year as well.)

Cora receiving the sunshine reward.

Cora holding her diploma surrounded by her class.

Cora waiting in line for her Diploma.

Well, last night I took the camera and handed it to Carol while she was on the computer. Now you can blog says I. Obviously that didn't happen. I even told her I was trying to make sure she didn't lie. Oh well. I told her it was her turn so maybe she thinks Hold On counted. In line with that we have been having a conversation lately. I said the Monty Hall posts were 2 at least and possibly 3 posts. She thinks they are all just one post. What do you guys think?
On to other things. The girls are officially out of school, YEAH for sleeping in. Cora had Kindergarten Graduation on Tuesday. They sang a couple of songs and then class by class received their diplomas. I was more than a little reminded of "The Incredibles" but it was cute. Then they announced that in each class two students would receive a "Sunshine award" for bringing sunshine to the teacher and fellow students each day. Not to be to proud of a parent, but of course Cora won (Sorry I just don't know how to brag about my kids without sounding arrogant or pretentious).
After the ceremony Cora's class had a banana split party. Jess' class had a party on Thursday. Then they came home early and that was the end of the school year.
Now the title of this post. After school on Thursday the girls had been playing with street chalk and the driveway was pretty much covered. Cora decided to take it upon herself to wash it off with the hose. I was talking to some of our neighbors and she pulled out the hose, hooked it up and proceeded to drench the driveway, herself, Jess, Maren, and Jacob (the little boy that lives a couple of houses down). When I discovered what was going on I reprimanded her. Mostly for not asking. Cora is very sensitive, so she immediately went inside. When Carol and I were getting ready for bed we found a note on our mirror in dry erase marker. It read "I feel no love, from Cora." Anyway, that is how our week has been. And on Monday I go back to school. Fun stuff.


Serge said...

The Monty Hall post should count for at least two posts. It's a great problem.

I also support keeping Emmett out of pink (what is Carol thinking?).

Michelle said...

monty hall post counts as one...maybe two? but probably one.

i like the pink...but i know how boys think about pink. still, it's sort of cute!

and that is classic cora. i laughed. i shouldn't laugh at a little girl's pain.

Chernobyl said...

Oh, that is so sad and cute all at the same time! Their little hearts are so sensitive. I say no on the pink shirt because people have a hard enough time getting baby genders correct when you make it easy, No need to further confuse them. I once put Emma in a pink outfit at church and some guy says "Oh, you dressed your son in pink today?" Yeah. Like I said.

Leah said...

Monty Hall counts as one. As for pink, I agree with the last comment...people have hard enough time getting genders right. Audrey was in pink almost all the time and most people thought she was a little boy. HELLO! As for Cora feeling no love, what a little a cutie. It is funny that she wrote that. And sad all at the same time.


Anthony wears pink, I like it!!, and ya know doesn't everyone have those days where you say to yourself "I feel no love"?