Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kiss n' tell

As you can see, the girls are sporting some sweet makeup in these pics. On the rare occasion that I actually do my makeup, the girls like to watch and go through my makeup bag and ask if they can have some of this and that on too. Well on one such occasion, I had some leftover sample eyeshadow from a facial. I would have never used it, so the girls were all about having some on. But they didn't want to stop there. So I indulged them and they got the works: blush, mascara, lipstick and gloss.

And here is a little nude shot of Emmett. That picture was taken the middle of May when he just started to get up on his hands and knees. Now I am sad to say that he is now crawling. Yesterday he even pulled himself up while holding on to a laundry basket. He is 7 months old today and before I know it, he'll be walking/running and talking.
Not much else to report here....I did however find out today that Jessica has been kissing a neighbor boy when they play house, because she's the mom and he's the dad. And she's going marry him when she gets older. I didn't think that the time to get out the shotgun would come so fast. ;)


Michelle said...

Jessica is getting action??? CRAZY...she's too little! So funny. I can't wait to see them...especially little Emmett. He's so cute. Will he cuddle with me?

Serge said...

I love Emmett's chubby smile.


The girls look so grown up with makeup on!!, and I know how crazy it is that your youngest is growing so fast. Riley is running everywhere!!

Leah said...

Oh my, Jess Jess! How did you take that news?
My girls are fascinated with my mascara. It's fun to indulge them every now and then. Seeing how excited they get is so adorable. Your girls are precious. And Emmett? A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. See you Saturday!