Thursday, June 3, 2010

Recent Happenings

A few weeks ago, we discovered a few ants in our pantry. By no means were they as nasty or ingenious as the Pharaoh Ants we had in our old apartment, but nevertheless, we wanted to put an end to that problem before it became a big problem. So we scheduled a weekend and went and stayed with Griselda for a night while I bug bombed the house. Griselda was super sweet and excited and got us tickets to Concerts in the Park in Fort Worth. We saw Asleep at the Wheel. The girls absolutely loved it, and for the first time we saw lightning bugs in Texas.

Emmett when he was still happy before we went to bed way to late (we got back at like 10:30).

The girls danced the night away, they had a blast, there were even fireworks after the show!

In other news, our sweet Jessica is now a Kindergarten Graduate! We are so proud of our sweet Jess. Her teacher raved about her all year long, and Jess is very proud of the fact that her behavior card never got changed from green all year. Can't believe how big she is. The Kindergarten teachers requested the PTA buy gowns for their graduation. Personal feelings about proper use of funds aside, they looked so dang cute! Way to go Jess we are super duper proud of our sweet heart!
Jess and Momma at Graduation.

Me and Jess.

Isn't she just adorable! We love this girl!

And here is a video from tonight. Emmett just randomly made this sound and it reminded me of something so I encouraged him to do it again, and eventually we go it on video. This is for you Michelle. Sorry there isn't more, once he figured out the camera was there he stopped doing it.



Michelle said...

hahaha!!! where did he learn that? so funny. I LOVE NKOTB! and jess looks super cute in her graduation attire!

Meredith and Abe Fish said...

I love the picture of Emmitt, he looks so much like Josh as a baby, the curls are great but I don't think they rival Taylor's. We are so looking forward to Sept when we get to see everyone

Michelle said...

actually, there is a picture of cheyenne with heather, i think she might be holding onto his hand. and that first picture of emmett really reminds me of chey :)