Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I tried to add some photos, but the application wasn't working, so I will add some later. I can finally breath. Last Wednesday I had a large midterm, then on Thursday I had a meeting with Dr. Hayslip about some research I am doing with him, following that I had a lecture to prepare and give on Friday, Saturday I spent studying for a test on Monday morning, Then Monday had that test, and had to give another lecture Today, which I ended up preparing on Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning. To top all of that off I got sick on Sunday with a head cold that made it absolutely impossible to focus. I think I did well on my test, but the lecture (which was part of my grade) did not do as well as I had hoped. I should have known how it would go since I wasn't even half way done preparing lecture notes and was unable to discern what the notes were prompting. Fortunately a few of the guys in the class starting coming up with some B.S. questions to lengthen the lecture and help me out. (A small side, it would have gone better if the professor hadn't cut my material in half a week before I was scheduled to give my lecture.) So after all of that, I am done with midterm stuff for a little while and I can sigh a deep relief. There is an extra bonus associated with all of this; Spring Break is just two weeks away. YEAHH! and I can't put enough emphasis on that.
Now news from the girls. Maren started saying Mama, Dada, and eese (works for both cheese and please, quite injanuative). Jessica gets sweeter everyday. I can't believe how much her personality has changed from when she was two and bouncing off the walls. She still bounces off the walls but now she will take a minute to come and tell me or Carol that she loves us or give us a hug. She and Cora have apparently made a running game, I have no idea what it is all about but it involves any toy that could possibly talk, including pencils, Barbies, cups, saucers, whatever they can get there hands on. Also they play it primarily out of Maren's reach which constitutes either Maren napping, in Maren's room with the door closed, or at the counter (guess how much I am loving having a counter cluttered with dozens of toys). To top it all off they like to "plause" it while they have to go to the bathroom. It is so sweet to see them playing together, Maren does feel left out though and we have been trying to get them to work on that. Jess is also working on her letters. Carol has been really good about sitting down with both of them after Cora gets out of school and work on their penmanship. Speaking of Cora and school, Cora gets stickers for being good in school. After class her teacher will have kids put their hands out and those who stayed on task and did what they were supposed will get a sticker. Cora has started placing them on her closet door, and it is rapidly filling up. We also started a chore chart for the girls. They are supposed to make their beds, clean up toys, and put away their clothes every day, above and beyond that and they get a sticker. So if they help with dishes, or clean the bathroom sink or something like that they get a sticker for their chart. Each sticker is worth 25 cents, and when they have enough they get to cash it in for a new toy. It started off with guns blazing, Cora was determined to get a 20 dollar barbie with wings that pop up. But after two weeks she has slowed down quite a bit. It was kind of fun though, I taught her how to wash windows and they still bring a stool over to the sink when I am doing dishes and rinse for me. Other than that things are just chugging along as usual. We are planning a weekend in Waco, just before my Spring break and at the end of Zeb's. No offense Zeb and Leah, but it is pretty sad when the brightest spot on the horizon is a trip to Waco, any other city and I could brag, but Waco. People ask what I am doing for spring break, and I just say I am going to visit my brother. Don't get me wrong, I am excited about going and visiting you guys but its Waco. COME ON, WACO. Really pails when people are going to Florida, or Mexico. And now the awkward ending...........


Michelle said...

I've got one word for you...NEWARK! To me, Waco sounds like a veritable paradise!!!

Leah said...

Why do you think I write Woodway for my return address and not Waco? :)
Yeah, I still have a hard time explaining to people we live in Waco. It just doesn't sound nice....
However, outside of the hood we like the area and the people so I can't complain there.
My sincere apologies that you have a trip to Waco as the highlight of your spring break. I can think of quite a few places that wold much better! But thanks for coming! At least WE are in waco. I mean that alone is enough. Just to see our beautiful faces...oh and the girls! ;)