Thursday, March 20, 2008


A little while ago we went to the library and checked out one of the Veggie Tales sing along DVD's. The girls loved it, and as you can see Maren was quite enthralled as well.

Besides this wonderful video, I am on spring break. Yeah!!! I was going to get some actual work done and not have to worry about anything until finals, but I am quickly discovering that my given topics are not lending themselves to neo research, so I believe I am going to end up stuck in a library in the next few weeks going through actual books ugh. Oh well, it has been a wonderful week so far. I have just stayed home and played with the girls and stayed up watching Jay Leno and sleeping in as much as the girls will let us. It is almost like a real vacation.


Alex Perry said...

that is so cute!!!

Meredith and Abe Fish said...

She is very cute. I love it when they dance. Ethan does it once and a while. Lucky you that you get a break. I live for mine.

Michelle said...

she's sweet! i love it!!! i'm on a two day break myself...but so far, i spent the day studying...which looks like that will be the plan for the next few days. ah, higher education. lucky us!

Leah said...

SO freakin' cute. I love the arms. What a cute kid. Good luck in the upcoming weeks of studying, Josh. Glad you are enjoying the break while you get it.

Troy-Laura said...

It is movies like this that make me so happy that you have a blog. She is so cute, I love the baby dance.

Alex Perry said...

Carol, I actually got the material at a place called Sew'n'Save down here in Layton. Joannes might have it though.