Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I used to think that Emmett (above picture) resembled Jess the most, but after I saw this picture of Cora (below) I now have a different opinion.

Last week Emmett has discovered that he can smile on demand. Many of you don't know, but Emmett has a dimple on each cheek. We found that out a few days after we came home from the hospital with one of those involuntary smiles that babies do. So now I make an effort to get a handful of smiles each day from him.
I absolutely love his dimples.
Isn't he so handsome? I just love my little man!!
(fyi these are not my white hairy legs. They're Josh's)
So not much has been going on around here. Josh started school again yesterday, and Jess and Cora
have been back in school since the 6th. I have been working on another baby blanket for Emmett. It's been in the works since August. I'll post it when I am done. Hopefully soon.


Michelle said...

he's so cute. i love the dimples! and he does look a lot like cora...adorable!!!

thanks for the comments on my blog. so what do you think about sugar free jello. i bought some snack packs. haven't eaten any yet, but they only have 10 calories, so even if i ate all six, it wouldn't be bad. and what about sugar free yogurt. i bought that as well. other than that, i haven't purchased things like sugar free ice cream or cookies or candy. i'm avoiding that too, because part of the problem for me is the sweet craving. that is what i want to get out of my system. and good for you for going two months. i started with the goal of a month. then i'll add on time from there.


I love his smile!!, although he does resemble Cora I really do see Steven in him. A boy it's just weird to see you two with a boy.

Chesney said...

so sweet...

Leah said...

Okay the dimples are DARLING! What a handsome boy. I do believe from day one I have though he looked the most like Cora. ;)
I can't believe how big he is. Slow down buddy, we want to see you more before you start crawling!!!!!

Alex Perry said...

ohhh hahaha, he is so cute! Dimples? No fair, my girls don't have any of those cute little things!! How old is he now?

Bernadette said...

"He's a cute boy....I wanna meet him!" (this comment is from Peyton) We really miss you guys, hope you are all doing well.