I have a cold, again. We cannot seem to stay healthy since we moved to Texas. I blame the crazy weather. Though I do think things have improved since we moved out of the apartment (at least now there are periods of time where we are relatively healthy as opposed to months on end moving from bug to bug without any break so you can't tell if you are sick with the same germ, or if it is just moving from your sinus to your eyes, then ears, then throat). This particular cold came home with Jess. She was sick and spiked a fever of 104. Once we got it down she was healthy again in about 24 hours, or so we thought. She maintained a low grade fever and slept a lot for the next 3 days (one of which was spent and Zeb and Leah's, Sorry guys). Then it hit Cora and Maren at the same time. They both ran low grade fevers and at times felt nausea's. Cora threw up once, as did Maren, but we were never able to tell if it was due to the coughing (which was crazy) or the actual bug. Then Emmett came down with it. He's a trooper, but last night he didn't sleep well, so neither did Carol. I went to a BBQ for the Elders quorum and then to a GASP (Graduate Association of Students in Psychology) party. So when I got home the girls were in bed and Carol had already been up once with poor little Emmett. He is a trooper, even being sick he just hangs in there and smiles and acts happy. Me on the other hand, just kidding, I haven't been grumpy, though I did lose my voice which made teaching yesterday an ordeal. I didn't lecture which helped, but even just correcting students and answering questions, by the end of class my voice was cracking like a 12 year old little boy talking to his first crush (I happen to like the imagery of that statement, ah my first crush). So that has been our week. The pictures are not layed out in this display the way they will be once it is posted so I will just explain. The napping picture is the one that gave me the cold. Maren and Cora, both not feeling well, asked me to lay down with them while they took a nap last Sunday. Maren kept picking her nose, and eating it, and then rubbing my face, and for some reason my lips. Pretty sure that was what got me sick. Number 2 is of Jess and me. This was at Zeb and Leah's (same day as the fam pic below) and you can see in her eyes she still isn't quite up to par. The final one is actually a couple of weeks old. Maren was walking around in the high heels (so loud and annoying on tile) and a onsie. So Carol wanted to take some pics. I thought we would make them fun and have her pose. She is so unnatural it is hilarious. She would just stand stiff where ever I put her. We all laughed a lot. Oh, I am also experimenting with a goat again. Carol won't let me grow my hair any longer than about 2 inches, and well I've been looking at the same face and hair for about 12 years. I think I would like a change so we will see how it goes i.e. how long I can stand to have a furry rug attached to my chin before I go crazy (going on two weeks now). And none of this is in APA format. yEah.
P.S. The APA thing is a nerd joke, I hate them but they keep tumbling out of my mouth.