Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I don't want to think of a title

Okay, so I don't know how these pictures got layed out this way, and I don't know how to change it. So this might be a little confusing to read, trying to determine what text goes with what picture. Sorry.

Look how big my baby boy is.....it is so sad how quickly they grow up.

The pictures of Maren in the linen closet make me laugh. I had gone to the grocery store and when I got home, Josh told me to go look at Maren. Well, I turned the corner to go to the girls' room and saw that the linen closet was open obstructing the girls bedroom door. So I went to shut it. Well, it was open for a reason. Maren was partially inside the closet asleep. The story is that she didn't want to let Josh brush her teeth but he did it anyway and that really upset her. So she decided she wanted to be by herself in the closet. She even pulled down towels to make a bed. So by the time Josh was done getting Cora and Jess ready for bed, Maren was out. I have so many pictures of Maren sleeping anywhere. It should be interesting if she falls asleep on the toilet when she's potty trained..

The next pictures are of the girls dressing up Matt and Brandon We had a bbq a couple of weeks ago and invited some of Josh's friends from school. The girls had a great time and I think that Matt and Brandon secretly had a fun time being dressed up like princesses.


Meredith and Abe Fish said...

I love the picture of Maren asleep in the closet, and her little personality. Meredith found Ethan asleep in the chair in his room for his nap, I guess the bed was just to comfortable.


Isn't it funny how these little kids have such determined personalities?

Jenny said...

Emmett is such a cute baby! I can't believe how big his is getting already.

Bernadette said...

Too cute! We sure miss you guys.. and Emmitt is absolutely darling!! Love you


Leah said...

What funny pictures. I bet the girls had a Hay Day and laughed the whole time! I LOVE the one of Emmett! Man he is ADORABLE!