Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year, and other such phrases!

So we went to Zeb and Leah's for Christmas, and forgot our camera, so you will have to hit their blog for pictures. Beyond that here is a little scan of pictures from the last month of '09. Hope you enjoy.

So Jess decided to make this cute little elephant the other day, I honestly don't know where the idea came from, but I think it is genius.

Not to be outdone, Cora made herself into a bluebonnet. I love the admiration in Maren's eyes, she loves her sisters so much, even if she doesn't always do the utmost to show it.

And of course Maren wanted to play too. She kept showing me her picture and telling me it was for her teacher when she gets in school. We have told her "next year" so many times she has confused it with the literal new year and not the new school year. Wow that is going to be crazy to have her off to school.

As you probably have guessed our kids love the shower. Emmett has shower radar and gets pretty upset if you close the door on him. He also happens to be a little monkey. I don't know how he managed to get over the side with footed pj's on. But as you can see, even with wet pj's he's one happy boy.
I love the devious look of his eyes in this picture. Oh he is so cute. I love my boy.
We were going to make Ginger Bread houses with Claire, Hallie, and Audrey a couple of weeks ago before christmas, but the night before they were going to come Jess came down with a 12 hour case of throw ups. So they got decorated for FHE instead. It was messy, but the girls had a ball.
I think Maren ate as many sprinkles as she used, and that's saying something considering you couldn't see her roof or much icing when she was done.

My little Lizzie. So big. I realized today that she gets baptized this year. How crazy is that? Somewhere along the line someone forgot to tell me that even when your a Dad you still feel like a kid. For some reason I had a misconception that "old people" felt differently, other wise why would they always want to do such boring stuff like sit around and talk when you could play, now I realize you don't feel different you just forget how playing is done, or realize that a big kid playing with three little ones eventually ends one of two ways A) you tickle a little one until they pee their pants (probably on you or your bed) or B) someone gets hurt and all that fun stops being so fun and you feel like a jerk if it's your fault or you have to think of a way to discipline one child for doing the exact thing you were just doing ... Lose lose.

Anyway, I hope everyone had an amazing New Year. We had some friends from the ward over and continued our traditional crab dinner (mmmmm...). They brought a game called quelf that we played after the kids were in bed. Carol's face hurt from smiling and laughing. Really a good party game (though I suspect was intended for less sober parties, in the literal since). Beyond that not much new to report. The next semester doesn't start for a few more weeks, the girls go back on Monday, I have all night classes once I do go back and I am teaching two classes on Thursday (5 hours nearly back to back uggg). I got straight A's last semester so that was a happy day. I think that is about all, everyone is happy, healthy, and wishing you all an awe inspired 2010.


Zeb said...

I know I don't leave many comments, but straight A's in grad school is a very noteworthy achievement, and I have to tell you that I'm proud of you. Well done, keep up the hard work; it will pay off in the end.

Meredith and Abe Fish said...

Oh those kids are so cute! I love Emmett in his wet pjs. We are excited to be able to come see you guys this summer and meet Emmett. Happy New Year. ~Meredith

Michelle said...

good job on the As my friend! and how in the world do your kids always end up in the shower with their clothes on?

Leah said...

Hot dog!!! Straight A's! That had to feel pretty stinkin good. Way to go!
I love the creativity of Cora and Jess with the elephant and blue bonnets!
I can't believe Claire gets baptized this year too! It is insane to think our oldest are almost 8! Wow.