Friday, October 1, 2010

Catching up.....sort of

Ok, so there have been a few people (Josh, Coco, and Julie) that have been getting after me to post. And to make good on my promise to them, I am now posting.
Because I blog so infrequently, blogging is a learning process every time I the pics are in reverse order I wanted them and I don't know how to fix it. Oh, well.
Here we have Jess in the lineup first. She wanted me to take a pic of her with her very first lost tooth!

Yep!!!! Jessica got glasses. Her teacher noticed that she was squinting to see the board and that her work was alway incomplete/wrong. So, she is the proud owner of "The Little Mermaid" glasses!! With seashells on the sides!!!! It is quite exciting!!
A couple weeks ago Cheyenne, Meredith their two beautiful kids came for a visit. It was about 10 min before they left when I realized that we hadn't taken any pics. So I hurried and got a few. Here is Taylor. I am her favorite aunt on the Fish side.......and I will fight any of her other Fish Aunts who say otherwise!
Here is Ethan.....I don't think that I am his favorite. But I love him anyway.
I am running out of time, so this is the "cousins". They are so stinkin' cute.
Sorry this post is so short. Josh needs his computer(with all the pics) to go to work. So I find myself blogging at 6 am before he leaves. I will try to write a little more later......but if not, it should hold you over for a month or so.


Meredith and Abe Fish said...

Oh that picture of all of them is so cute. We had such a great time! Thanks for letting us crash at your place and for all the great food. You inspired me to make some flour tortillas the other night and they were quite delicious. ~Meredith

Lisa said...

Yay for Carol and blogging!! I love Jessica's new glasses. Tell her she's adorable!

Jenny said...

Cute kids! Jess looks so nice in her glasses.

Leah said...

Love the glasses on Jess Bess. How did your kids need glasses when I am the one blind as a bat? Go figure. Looks like you guys had fun. I loved the pictures of Maren and Ethan on their blog. So cute. It's been so fun to spend some time all together, huh?!?!?!

Michelle said...

I am the favorite Fish aunt...of all the children, all the time. :). I get that title since I have none of my own. And I can bring it, Carol...:)!!!