Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This post is dedicated to my little sister who was bitterly dissapointed in the # of pictures I posted last time. So, little sister of mine (you know who you are) this is for you. Enjoy!

This picture is so cute. I think that we were heading home from Ft.Worth one Sunday in March or April. I looked back and saw that. Maren got a raw deal. Poor thing.
This was sometime this last summer in our front yard with a neighbor girl.
Yes, I know that these pics are not recent but oh well. Here is Miss Lizzie on the first day of 2nd grade.
Jess Bess on her first day of 1st grade.
The three girls on the first day of school!!
School started a few days before Maren's 4th birthday so we got to celebrate her birthday with all of her new friends in Pre-K! Her teacher even gave her a birthday crown.
Emmett loves shoes.....especially mine and Josh's. No, I am not worried about him! He's fine.
Emmett making a cute face at me/the camera. He loves the camera. Anytime he sees me with it he stops whatever he is doing and faces me while he says "teese"
I hope that ya'll are pleased with the pics. I also wanted to include a funny little story about Maren that happened a few days ago.
We were all in the truck driving home when Jessica smells a stinky smell and starts accusing everyone in the car if they are the culprit. When Maren is accused she defends her self saying: "NU, UH, my body doesn't make toots that smell!" We all burst out laughing, which made her start sobbing. In between breaths she declared to everyone that we hurt her feelings. Oops!


Michelle said...

two posts one right after the other? i feel like it's christmas! carol...are you feeling okay?

Chesney said...

That is a funny story. Your girls are so grown up!

Jenny said...

I like that photo of Emmett in the high heeled shoes. Too cute.