Wednesday, March 5, 2008

As promised

I promised a few pictures to go with the last post, and here they are. The first one is in anticipation of the trip to Waco. The second is something I haven't really talked much about. Cora and Jess love to get on my computer. Cora has learned how to navigate to and watch emails. The other day I came in to my room to the sounds of teen girl squad. They both also like to open up word and type away. Cora will type peoples names or random letters and ask what it spells. Jess will type random letters and tell me what it says. They are great.
Oh, we didn't get any pictures but it snowed here on Monday. A whole inch on the grass. I was praying so hard for a snow day, but alas I had to go to school. Oh, well. Maybe next year.



Michelle said...

As I told Carol, it is a good thing I'm not a psycho because if I were, I might come down there and steal myself some children!!! Those girls are the cutest girls on the planet...I love them so so so much.

Alex Perry said...

It's SNOWING?!?! Oh my gosh, it did last year around this time when we were there also. Isn't it so weird seeing snow in Texas. All of our snow is melted except for in the mountains!

Leah said...

Love the picture with all of them in the crib. We are so excited to see you guys!
Claire asks almost daily, "can I get on" There is a part of the site that they can create their own fairy with wings and shoes. Go to and click on the Mariposa picture. Then click on "skip intro" (it's underneath barbie), then click "go" on the story book and click on the "mariposa dress up" part with the shoes. The girls LOVE to make their own fairies.
Oh and tell the girls Claire and Hallie have a surprise movie for them to watch this next weekend.

CoCo MoCo said...

I agree with what Michelle said and if I didn't love you guys so much, I would totally steal your kids. They'd come with me too, 'cause I know what they like. Naw. They are the cutest, sweetest, well behaved, adorable, entertaining, precious girls I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, and I am lucky to claim them as my nieces. I am greatful for that. :) Tell them I love them!