Saturday, March 8, 2008

Record Breaking

On Wednesday I am stuck at school almost all day. I start at physio at 8:30 which lasts until 10, from there I have office hours for at least an hour and then I either go TA a class or stay in my office for the next hour at noon office hours start again for an hour then I TA another class until 2. If I am lucky I get to go home for a few hours before my 5:30 class that is only supposed to last until 8 but inevitably runs until 8:30 since Dr. Hayslip perpetually has more lecture notes than he has time, he also seems to have an endless supply of bad jokes, but that is another blog. On this last particular Wednesday the 5th of March Carol decided to make good use of my absence and went to see Grizelda. Together they took the girls to the Fort Worth City gardens. It was a beautiful day, mid 70's. The very next day, I have no school. It is usually a day to try and get some homework done. It is rarely as productive as I hope. This Thursday I got a second chance at a snowday and taking some photos. As it turns out this was a record breaking storm. Denton got 5 inches. DFW airport got 1 inch and canceled 500 flights. It was the wettest snow I have ever seen. I seriously saw snow flakes as big as Maren's face. The first photo is just about an hour after it started snowing. Carol was at the gym, but when she got back she took the girls out to play in the slush. If you expand the photos you can see how big some of the flakes were. I did get a real snow day since UNT closed Thursday afternoon and Friday all day. Yeah for me, to bad it was about 2 days late.


Alex Perry said...

that makes me want to cry :( I miss it there so much. Apparently not for the weather since it's done snowing here. Has the ants gone away finally? When are you guys coming back to Utah to visit?????? I will make darn sure we get to see you guys this time. I hope you guys had fun in the snow.

Michelle said...

I love the snow!!! How fun that the girls got to frolic a bit in it. I think my dear little Cora suffers from the same affliction her Aunt Michelle suffers from. When ever a camera goes off, my eyes are either shut, or they are half way there!!! She's so darn cute.