Friday, May 16, 2008


So here it is. One week after finals. If you recall, I only had two classes this semester. I got an A in physiological psychology. It was actually a fun class, and reading the research makes sense which is always a bonus. Plus you can easily see the practical application for the research. I got a B in Human development. I am glad because that was a hard class. I don't know that I have had many harder. I don't mind the abstract, but it is difficult to follow a lecture that is entirely based on abstractions that has very little flow. I am currently hunting for a job, and doing research for one of my professors. I have a Monday meeting to go over all of the stuff I have been reviewing, and for once I have a lot of questions. Carol is doing well, she actually feels really good today, and we are planning on going to the temple tonight (thanks Chelsea). All the girls are doing well, Maren is continuing to learn. I think the sign language is helping because she will say something and do the sign at the same time which makes it easier to understand what she is trying to communicate. A few days ago Maren was standing on the table and I asked "Maren, do we stand on the table?" Not expecting any response, maybe a head nod and she pipes up "Yeah." Speaking of quotes, there was a little spider in the girls room the other day and Carol and I sent Jess to get it. She got a square of TP and squashed it and went to the bathroom to throw it away. Carol and I heard Cora say "Jess, that was awesome." and Jess responded "I am amazing." She is such a hoot. Especially the grown up things she says with that little cute voice of hers. Anyway, we are excited to come out to Utah, and see everyone there, so until next time, love you.


Michelle said...

what's this about going to utah? when will you be there? i was hoping you'd be there when i fly out in august...maybe...if i have the money. i need some updates on your plans here!

CoCo MoCo said...

I love it!! The spider thing made me laugh out loud, and the guy I share an office with looked at me like i was crazy! And I can totally picture every story completely in my head with voices, facial expressions and movements. I love my girls! I can't wait to see Maren doing sign, that's so dang cute!! Let me know when you are going to UTah and I will make sure Matt & I come down to see you all! XOXOX Love CoCo

Leah said...

Way to got Josh! I know when Zeb gets an A I feel like yelling and screaming. I also love seeing the smile on his face and knowing what he is thinking though his eyes. You have that same smile at times where your eyes say it all. Maybe it is a Fish thing..or a Zeb and Josh thing. I don't know. But I'm sure Carol go that smile when you told her.
You can tell Jess that she IS amazing. She is a riot. Love your girls. Maren was talking a lot when we were there last weekend. She is getting a lot easier to understand.
Oh and I want to know why Carol NEVER comments. Hello! Now if it is because she doesn't feel well then it is okay and when she is all better I trust she will comment on blogs. I am glad you are getting to the end of that, Carol. Hang in there.

Leah said...

Yes, Carol. I see what you mean. Josh is quick on commenting. I'm sure Cora will have a big K graduation next year with a sign that says 2021! It is so crazy. Fun but crazy. :)
See you soon!