Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Here is a sweet picture of one of my babies. Any one want to guess which one. I keep trying to trip people up, and it hasn't worked, so I thought maybe if I went younger people might have a harder time. We are almost done unpacking, and you can expect some pictures soon, but I haven't taken them yet. Oh, and I grilled chicken the other night, soo goooooood. Now I don't have to hunt cows. Yay.


Stevie said...

I'm going to guess Jessica...

Do you love the house?!

Alex Perry said...

I think it's Maren

Michelle said...

it's mar bear...i think the blanket gave it away on this one, though.

Leah said...

That is BEAR! Come on...make it hard!!! :) And I didn't even have to look at the blanket, Michelle!!!
That was fun though. I think I will always know which baby it is. I have seen your kids from day one and know them almost like I know my own. The great thing is that I will still know Emmett when he is here because you FOLLOWED US TO TEXAS!!!! I still love being so close.
Congrats on your new place, The girls are dying to come over...when do you get that tramp? oline ...trampoline.

Zeb said...

Well Leah wants a bigger challenge. However, if the kids in the pictures get any younger, they'll be coming out of the womb. But maybe that's what Leah is asking for... Yikes Leah... Yikes.

Leah said...

(Chanting) Birth shot... birth shot... birth shot... birth shot

Leah said...

You'll have to excuse my husband's weird and twisted sense of humor. He seems to say things for a laugh at someone else's expense...mine in this case.
Oh Zeb.
He thinks he is so funny.
And you know, unfortunately I can't say that he isn't.

For the record Carol, just so we are clear, I love you dearly...like a sister, but I really don't want a birth shot.

J and C Fish Family said...

twenty years from now, when I have dementia, and my kids are looking at baby pictures asking me who is who, I'll have to tell them to ask Aunt Leah. It's so sad, I Think that the blanket gave it away for me.

Leah said...

For your sake, and ours, I really hope you don't have dementia twenty years from now. If so, we would be in for a long ride of EXPLAINING EVERYTHING over and over for many years. And if you are anything like my husband, us wives already have to tell you about "events coming up" more than once, so don't make it any harder than it already is. :)

In Zeb's defense, he does hold a LOT of information in his brain so I can see how my "scrapbook night" and "upcoming baby shower" aren't exactly at the forefront of his mind.

Leah said...

Hold the boat. That was Carol that left that last post. Hmmm. I guess most of that comment is pretty much null and void.

But I do hope you don't get dementia in 20 years either. What would your husband do? :)

Leah said...

Now please remember one WAS from Zeb and the next I had to defend myself with.
Okay, I'm done.