Monday, February 11, 2008


So, Carol and I aren't so good at keeping secrets/surprises. Not that it was a surprise at all but last week we went and got me a new pair of sunglasses for my birthday/valentines. Naturally I had to be there to pick them out and I have been wearing them ever since. (I needed a new pair since I lost mine the last time we were in Waco ; . () And then I got Carol the books in the Twilight series for valentines. We listened to the first book on the way home from Utah. She has been wanting to read the next one and I picked up all three a little while ago and had wrapped it and hid it away, but then determined wife that she is, she started probing around the ward to borrow a copy and even went to the library to check it out but it was fortunately checked out, so it didn't ruin my surprise, but then Saturday night she started thinking about who she could call in the ward to borrow it from so I just had to let her have it. She started reading Saturday night and she just finished it today, Monday around 6. I am quite proud of what I have done for her. She wasn't much of a reader when we got married and she just devoured 560 pages in three days. Funny, since she used to get upset at me when we were first married, and didn't have kids, for spending so much time reading. Now I just wish I could justify taking that much time to read something that wasn't related to school. Oh well, not all of my reading is boring, just most of it. Occasionally there will be a really interesting case study or new phenomena that I haven't heard about and that will peak my interest for a while, but generally it's not so fun. Someday I will have some time to just sit down and read like I used to, but until the kids are either in school, or I am done with school I don't see it happening. Maybe this summer. Then again maybe I will completely ignore my studies one weekend and just read something for fun. Or spring break is coming. Then again, Carol is still incredibly jealous of my time. We'll see. Here's to hope.


1 comment:

Alex Perry said...

Those Twilight books are amazing! I love them, and I cannot wait for the movie to come out this November!!! I wish I was there to go with ya Carol :) Glad to hear ya joined the club of Twilight lovers!!!!!