Sunday, February 3, 2008


A little fact for all you who don't know (or just as likely don't remember). Josh and I have kind of hit a little milestone. On a superbowl sunday ten years ago, Josh in his total lack of tactful flirting, took my hand away from Jason (to help Annette). We ended up holding hands through the rest of the game; even while he talked to Kimberly on the phone and convinced her to talk to my parents and let us stay through the whole game. That began our relationship. He kissed me, oh wait, I kissed him about a week later and we have been together ever since (Hosh says "yes, the kiss was that good").
On a little side note, I can't help but brag about our beautiful weather that we are having. On our way home from church around 2pm, it was 84 degrees outside. I can't get over it. It's supposed to be "winter" outside. The girls have been running around near naked at times because they are so hot. We have the windows open and there is a cool night breeze. It's wonderful. I hope that you all are enjoying your weather as we are.



Leah said...

No I am not enjoying the weather but thanks for asking. Did you have to rub it in that I am not there? :) just kidding I'm glad you aren't freezing your tails off as like we are. Isn't it so great to be able to go to the park and be outside in the middle of "winter" there? It rocks. Although when it's August the humidity doesn't rock quite so much!

So my questions is this, "Did you kiss Josh first?" You made it sound like you did. Props to you chica! Honestly. You have some guts. That is so fun to think that it was 10 years ago. What a milestone! Congrats!

J and C Fish Family said...

Carol totally kissed me first. Sort of. We were hugging under the porch lights and I kissed her cheek and she went in for quite a bit more. Coincidentally that was also my first kiss.


Leah said...

That explains so much. Just kidding. But honestly I can't believe she was so gutsy. Wow. You two are a great couple and I am so glad we are related.
Miss you guys!

Alex Perry said...

You are the biggest brats ever for having that warm of weather. IT IS FREEZING HERE!! BRRR!!! :( The sun has been out but it is still only like 16 degrees right now, yeah that's cold. I cannot wait until Spring/Summer!!! I wish I could be there with you still. Enjoy it for me!

Chesney said...

Hey I saw your names on Alex's blog. Congrats on the 10 year. Funny I met Mark 10 years ago this December. Under different circumstances. We were serving in the same mission. Can I add you guys to my blog?

J and C Fish Family said...

Sure you can add us. But i suppose it has to be reciprocal.
